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Reflections on 4 Foundational Truths As You Love & Live Out God's Word By Joanne Tweedie

Writer's picture: Kingdom Women Kingdom Women

Hi Kingdom Sister,

How are you doing? Like - really.

I wish I could sit beside you and ask this question face to face.

Better yet, that Jesus would sit down beside us in this.

Because when the presence of God is in the room, everything changes.

Perhaps like me you feel that It’s been a long season - from lockdown to a ‘new normal’ - it feels like the ‘birth pangs’ (Matt 2:8) of humanity are ever so visible and humanity is groaning under the weight of our brokenness. And yet as God promises light is ever present and always seeking to break through the darkness (John 1).

As women of faith who have been intersected with the presence of the living God we have access to all truth in the Word of God. And my hope today is to ignite a fresh hunger for God’s word. And to encourage you with a divine whisper to come away and feel truth breathe within you afresh again.

This month as a community we have been exploring what it means to truly be women loving and living God’s word, and I am so honoured to bring a reflection upon four simple truths.

Truth One:

It is our birthright to know and understand God’s Word

Do you believe that you are a royal Daughter of the most high King?

In sisterhood circles we talk about this but have you thought that part of being royal is access to an inheritance, a spiritual treasure-chest of blessings which includes the Word of God?

Paul, who wrote more than half of the New Testament and was one of the forefathers of the early Church implored us to:

‘Show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts’ (2 Corinthians 3:3) .

I love the sense of Truth being not only available to us but written inside of us and I believe this is part of the process that happens when we soak in and read God’s Word to us. That it activates truth that has been written inside of us since the beginning of time. It is therefore our birthright to be able to read, know and understand God’s Word, but i think so many lies or doubts can get into this place and become barriers to ‘knowing’. I know some of my barriers include - feeling ‘unqualified’, uneducated, unworthy, under-resourced, un-motivated, too time poor. Sound familiar?

I think a reason these lies take root is that the enemy knows how powerful the spirit of God becomes active & moving within us when we are able to swap lies for the truth, and step into the fullness of authority available to us as daughters of the living God. Sis, if that’s you too today I want to rebuke these lies with the sharp-sword of God’s truth. In the words of American author, Jess Connolly:

‘I want to say: you're safe here. In Jesus name, I reject and renounce any word spoken over your life (and mine!) that has made us feel unqualified or unfit to dive right into this birthright of ours, this love letter from Him to us. God's Word is our inheritance, and you'd better believe our Father would disagree with anyone who would try to keep us from seeking Him ‘

Can i get an AMEN?!

Reflect & Act:

What lies might you be believing that are hindering your intimacy with God?

Prayer: Father God, I know that you love me just as I am. And where your spirit is there is no fear but power, love and a sound mind (1 Timothy 7). In your love and gentle kindness show me any areas of doubt or fear that I can surrender to you as I come to know you in your Word more.

Truth two:

God’s Word is precious handed down from generation to generation

In reading and soaking in God’s Word we have access to a treasury of spiritual wisdom and knowledge that is costly and precious. An understanding of how God’s Word was authored helps us base our lives & spiritual walk on a solid biblical foundation.

I am continually humbled to be part of a lineage handed down through a beautifully written and oral tradition both within both the Jewish community and amongst believers for over 2000 years. The bible is 66 books, written in three different original languages, crafted by a range of human authors inspired by one heavenly Author over 1500 years - WOW!

I love that knowing this can open our minds (and hearts) to the rich lineage that we are a part of . Opening the Word is a ‘get to’ (not a must to!). It truly is a GIFT given to us to have free access to a treasury of Godly wisdom.

As organisations like, Open Doors, shine a light for the persecuted Chuch acoss this world, I am so tenderly awae this gift in our hands is something precious that believers have fought for.

While the Word is not God, it is an expression of God. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (John 1: 1). We can look to various sources that testify to the truth and power of God’s Word. Such as:

  • what the Word itself claims to be (God breathed, Truth-Eternal, Spiritual Food);

  • what a community of believers attest it to be (rich in wisdom, keys to life and life in abundance), and what we have found it to be within our own personal lives and experience.

Speaking personally, I can attest to God’s Word being a lifeline and anchor of truth when I could not find it. Coming to salvation God’s Word slowly washed me clean from the inside out and helped me build a foundation of redeemed identity from broken to healed. I know the experience of God meeting me in the quickened (rhema) word of God and helping me swap lies for His greater Truth.

And sis, I wonder what ways God has met you in His living, breathing wod? Can you attest to the goodness and truth in HIS story that has become YOUR story?

A goodness and truth that becomes both personal and universal, to pass forwards and down the generations.

Reflect & Act:

What woman in your life the spirit of God is inviting you to share his Word and glory?

Prayer: God, reveal to me someone in my sphere that is ready to hear of you. Place them in my heart, prepare a way and give me the words and courage to testify to your love and truth.

Truth three:

God is ready to meet us any time we make space for Him

Do you feel that God DELIGHTS in your efforts to dig into His Word through your own devotion? As you journey into the Word encouraging you to expect to hear from God and receive the fullness of His love & delight ready to meet for you.

God doesnt want this experience to be burdensome but is ready through His spirit coming alongside us and working within us to meet us in His word. We live in the age of God’s holy spirit upon the earth, and John 16:13 promises the holy Spirit will partner with us leading us into all truth:

‘The Spirit of truth will come and guide you in all truth. He will not speak His own words to you; He will speak what He hears, revealing to you the things to come and bringing glory to Me. The Spirit has unlimited access to Me, to all that I possess and know, just as everything the Father has is Mine. That is the reason I am confident He will care for My own and reveal the path to you’. (THE VOICE)

Have you ever read God’s word and felt something come alive to you and ‘leap’ off the page? To meet your heart in a distinct way? This is the process of God’s spirit working within us as truth resonates with truth.

Scholars refer to the ‘logos’ Word of God which is the general word of God that communicate’s spiritual truths, God’s will to do something or His general will on a matter. The ‘rhema’ Word of God is the Word the Holy Spirit quickens for a certain person or situation.

Sis, God’s heart is to meet you in this way. To provide you with promises that you can hold onto and key’s from Heaven for your future.

When we read the bible devotionally it is an intimate and personal reading with a heart to draw close to and encounter God. This delights our Father! As you seek Him in this way, have an expectation for God’s heart and spirit to meet with you. And just like a loving parent sometimes our Father wants to speak to us and sometimes He just wants to wrap His loving arms around us and come close with a peace that surpasses all understanding.

Reflect & Act:

What mindset do I have for my devotional time?

Prayer: God, I long to meet with you in a deeper way. Help me to create a sacred space to meet with you in devotion and in your Word. Help pepare my heart to hear you, to eliminate distractions and to make this time honouring to you.

Truth four:

God’s Word is made to be spoken and declared

In a pre-literate society God’s Word was made to be declared and spoken! Indeed, Jesus’ first act of His public ministry was to declare (speak) these prophetic words from Isaiah:

"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor’ (Isaiah 61:1, Luke 4:18 )

God’s Word has the ability to change the atmosphere around us to bring His Kingdom rule and reign.I believe there is so much release and freedom available for us as His Daughters when we don’t just read the Word but speak it over ourselves, over our families and loved ones, and over the atmosphere of our homes and living environments around us.

God’s Word promises when ‘if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven’ (Matthew 18:19). When we seek God’s will and purpose, when we pray in a way that is aligned with His will, we come into agreement with His spirit working with us. As His Word promises, If God is for us then who shall come against us! (Romans 8:31).

One of the hardest parts of the journey is declaring His truth over our circumstances when we can't see it in the natural. Sis, if that’s you - hold on! As you place a measure of your faith in God’s hands He is so incredibly faithful to bring it to completion

(Phillipians 1:6).

And you are not alone in your waiting for a promise to be fulfilled.

You have a community of Kingdom women at ‘Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs’ ready to nurture, inspire and encourage you in the journey.

Reflect & Act:

What promises has God given me to hold onto?

Prayer: God thank you that you are faithful, you are trustworthy, that you are safe. Help me to believe again with every part of my being that you are for me not against me. Thank you that you are always working in the unseen and in the waiting for your glory. Give me a new song to sing. That I have seen the Lord, His son’s name is Jesus, He has healed me, set me free, and my feet to dancing.

Want more?

I have just released a FREE bible study methods masterclass to get more out of your time in God’s Word. Sis, you are made to be fully equipped and set free!


Joanne Tweedie


Joanne Tweedie is a Sydney based life coach and Founder of ‘She Rises’ Australia, a faith based movement of Christian women.

Joanne is passionate about empowering women to walk in victory through the love and transforming power of Jesus.

Follow her @sherisesaustralia


The Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs is a Sisterhood Community for The Vision Builders, Boundary Breakers, Passion Igniters; Called & Anointed To Shine In Their Uniqueness & God Given - Calling.

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